Wednesday, 8 February 2012


I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or against them. This article is only based on my own opinion and belief.

What is anti-Semitism?
  • In a simple way, ANTI-SEMITISM is a DISCRIMINATION against JEWS for reasons connected to their JEWISH HERITAGE.
  • According to a 2005 U.S. governmental report, anti-Semitism is ‘hatred toward JEWS – individually and as a group – that can be attributed to the Jewish religion and/or ethnicity.’

Based on the article THE JEWS AND THEIR DECEITS by Adolf Hitler:
“Be careful of them because they are deceptive. They know that an act of kindness, generosity, or honesty is often the most powerful form of distraction because it disarms their enemies’ suspicions. It turns their enemies’ into children, eagerly lapping up any kind of affectionate gesture. This is known as ‘giving before you take’. When the Jews are giving, it makes it harder for their enemies to notice them when they are taking later. Thus, do not trust them. If you believe them as honest, you are giving them room to maneuver and strategize against you.”

Basically, when we talk about THE JEWS, we must talk about ADOLF HITLER too. It is a must for us to know that ADOLF HITLER is the one who attack and destroy the JEWISH. Regarding to the article THE JEWS AND THEIR DECEITS, it is really obvious that ADOLF HITLER hatred THE JEWS.
He said that THE JEWS are liars and hide their true feelings. Why?
To remain their power and shameless.

So, THE JEWS will learn how to conceal their thoughts:
·         Telling us - they know what we want to hear
·         Studying us - not to offend us

However, we cannot deny that most of people around the world also hate THE JEWS. Why? If ADOLF HITLER has his own believe. How about us as a common people? It is enough for us to hate the JEWS only based on the story that we have listen and from the movie that we had watched?

Historians, have classified six explanations as to why people hate the JEWS :
1.     Economics : "We hate Jews because they possess too much wealth and power."

2.     Chosen People : "We hate Jews because they arrogantly claim that they are the chosen people."

3.     Scapegoat : "Jews are a convenient group to single out and blame for our troubles."
4.     Deicide : "We hate Jews because they killed Jesus."
5.     Outsiders : "We hate Jews because they are different than us." (The dislike of the unlike.)
6.     Racial Theory : "We hate Jews because they are an inferior race." 
Actually, it is not fair enough for us to blame on the JEWS and ADOLF HITLER only. Basically, the JEWS only do their part to control and conquer the world – maybe it is their norms to have an attitude like that. At the same time, ADOLF HITLER also plays his role as the one whom against the JEWS.

On the other hand, as a Muslim, I has my own opinion about this issued.

From the Quran, SURAH AL-A’RAF(7)  : 167
‘And (remember) when your Lord declared that He would certainly keep on sending against them (i.e. the Jews), till the Day of Resurrection, those who would afflict them with a humiliating torment. Verily, your Lord is Quick in Retribution (for the disobedient, wicked) and certainly He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (for the obedient and those who beg Allah's Forgiveness).’
It is clearly stated there that our Lord (ALLAH SWT) will keep sending the Jews till the day of Resurrection. No matter how hard we try to destroy and go against them like Adolf Hitler done, they will continue their generation. Just take a simple look on what Adolf Hitler had done a thousand years ago. He killed the Jews, but today, the Jews still alive and keeps doing chaos in this world. Do you think it is worth?

From SURAH AL-A’RAF(7) : 168-169
168. And We have broken them (i.e. the Jews) up into various separate groups on the earth, some of them are righteous and some are away from that. And We tried them with good (blessings) and evil (calamities) in order that they might turn (to Allah's Obedience).
169. Then after them succeeded an (evil) generation, which inherited the Book, but they chose (for themselves) the goods of this low life (evil pleasures of this world) saying (as an excuse): "(Everything) will be forgiven to us." And if (again) the offer of the like (evil pleasures of this world) came their way, they would (again) seize them (would commit those sins). Was not the covenant of the Book taken from them that they would not say about Allah anything but the truth? And they have studied what is in it (the Book). And the home of the Hereafter is better for those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious - see V.2:2)Do not you then understand?
Here, our God remark us about the Jews. Some of the Jews may be right and some of them may be wrong. So, as a Muslim, we need to be careful towards the Jews. Nowadays, the Jews will do everything to influence our own belief. Besides, the Jews will impress us with their thoughts – that is the reason why they studied about us especially – MUSLIM.

From SURAH AL-A’RAF(7) : 170
And as to those who hold fast to the Book (i.e. act on its teachings) and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), certainly, We shall never waste the reward of those who do righteous deeds.
Instead of this matter, we cannot blame on the Jews. Their cultures, their custom, train them like that. They are what they should be. So, as a Muslim, we need to prepare mentally and physically to do our part. Save our religion and save our dignity with ‘as-salat’.
*i refer malay translate

In our religion, we cannot discriminate others. Rather than to make a war that will waste your money, kill the public, destroy others community, it is better for you to be nice to the others.

Therefore, it is not easy for us as a Muslim to make the Jews respect us. That is why it is important for every one of us to:
·         study well – have a good grip of knowledge
·         upgrade good practice – charity, fasting, pray, dutiful to parent and enc

It is not necessary for us to be like Adolf Hitler. If he against the Jews with the violence, why not we try to change it in the gentle way. We are gentleman, right?

Let’s bygone be bygone. We can’t blame on the Jews. We can’t blame on Adolf Hitler too.

All that we need to do today is, remember the history. Never regret it. NEVER REPEAT IT!

History will always remain as the history. We can’t change it. We can’t control it. So, as the new generation today, we must take this history as a lesson. Lesson that can make us become tougher, mature and beware. Always in ready mood =)

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