Friday, 10 February 2012

ASKAR: azab.sengsara.kau.akan.rasa.

I believe life is constantly testing us for our level of commitment, and life’s greatest rewards sure reserved for those who demonstrate a never ending commitment to act until achieve.

While watching THE PIANIST at DEWAN CERUN, I was sitting next to my classmate, Nina. During the movie screening, she keep make a sound and she ask me one question.

‘Why the armies act like that? They kill old women, public people and also children.’

When we talking about an army, I consider it is as a serious issue. Why? Because, I am part of an army too. Actually, when war occurred we can’t really blame only on to the army. Why? Here, I will show you my opinion.
·         Follow order – as a subordinate, majority of an army only follow the flow from their commander. Sometimes, when they need to be sent to the others countries, they just need to be ready and get prepare. Otherwise, they will be sent to the military court if they disobey the order. So, this is why an army works. All that they have done only based on the order. And you need to remember that an army trained to kill people. Basically, when they were sending to the others countries they only fight for their country victory and they don’t really know the agenda behind every war.

Actually, as normal human being, every one of us hates war. Unfortunately, people nowadays tend to have low morals of humanity.

According to the research, lots of armies around the world face trauma after coming back to their hometown. Why not? They need to kill people as their jobs.

However, not all of the armies are innocent. Some of them kill people because they find it is fun. To shoot the guns and to aim at the target, it is really exciting.

Work as an army is a serious work and I can classify it as a critical work. Why? Before you decide to shoot someone, you need to think twice whether you need to shoot or kill them or not. If you follow your humanity, you will find it is hard for you to shoot or kill them. Since you act it based on your work responsibility, you will determine that it is your duty to shoot your enemy and protect your country.

So, what will you do if you need to shoot or kill someone and end their life? What is your choice?

Honest to say, although I am part of volunteer army, I still don’t have a strength to shoot or kill someone. Rather than end someone life, it is better to save someone life. Moreover, I hate blood. I can vomit because of the blood. This is totally serious.

FACEBOOK: save your computer . save your electricity . save your professional life .

I think it’s far more important to write well than most people realize. Writing doesn’t just communicate ideas, it generates them too. If you are bad at writing and don’t like to do it, you will miss out on most of the ideas writing would have generated. So, lets’ read my third entry.

·         Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004.
·         Operated and privately owned by Facebook, INC.

you don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies

For sure, most of you have an experience in using the social networking such as FACEBOOK, MY SPACE and TAGGED.

What will you do when you log in?

Chatting? Gossiping? Doing online business? Or I guess some of you may be flirting. It is right? Since you really afraid and shy to impress your feeling by face to face, so what you do is flirting using social networking. Then, do you find this method as ‘MACHO’ way?

For some reason, flirting using social networking is okay. Somehow, when someone rejects you, you still can hide your face. They can’t watch and hear your tear. Then, you can scream and cry PROUDLY to throw away your feelings.

Alright, back to the main idea of this entry. Here, I would like to share with you some of the disadvantages by using the social networking. 
·         Threat and virus – social network is filled with thousands of daily users from around the globe and it is not the surprise when you discover a number of viruses storming through most of the pages. Don’t get panic and you must believe that social network involves several hackers who actually steal other people account. This hacker could cost you lots of money to repair your computer depending on how badly damaged it may be. So, always keep an update on Norton360 when using social network to filter out new viruses.
·         Cost your electricity – the longer you used social network, the higher your electricity cost. Why? When you want to use social network, you need to turn on your computer, right? Then, once you turn on your computer, you need to pay for your electricity because all computers around the world need the power supply to make them working. Basically, this is how your social networking can cost your electricity. Imagine that you are really addicted with social networking, totally you spend 12 hours per day to face your computer. Can you calculate the amount of your bill in the end of the month? Please save your money. Don’t waste it for something useless.
·         Ruining professional life – based on my observation, most of us love to do important works last minute. Actually, the same things happened on me. Sometimes, I can’t differentiate between the requirement and the desire. Although I have lots of work and assignment to do, however, I refer to spend my time face my FACEBOOK. This is a disease. Lucky for me because my disease was not so serious. Somehow, whether we realize it or not, social network can influence your professional life. When you are really obsessed towards social networking, you will incomplete your important work. By doing last minute jobs, you will produce low quality of your jobs. Lastly, you will give some bad impression about yourself. Pity you.

For sure social network can help you connect with people around the world. Unfortunately, we still can’t deny the disadvantages of using them. Your life is in your hand, feel free to quit FACEBOOK J

CRITICAL LITERACY: read.write.think

What is the main idea that you really understand from the title?
Which one of them will come first?
Honestly, when it’s come with critical literacy, the rank will be:
·         Read
·         Think
·         Write
Before you want to write about something critically, you need to:
·         Open your eyes
·         Open your ears
·         Open your mind
Is it true that CRITICAL LITERACY is hard?
No doubt, no compromise, I will say YES J

Before you get married, you only focus on yourself. When you gain money, you spend it only for your own significance. When you eat, you will care about your time eating only. It is up to you to eat early or late. Besides, most of your life problem comes from you itself. However, after you get married, everything starting to change. Especially your duty life. Why? Okay. Marriage is about something new in your life. For the first time as a married couple, you will notice that it is hard for you to make yourself fell comfort.

Here, the same situation occurred in critical literacy. Usually, we only care about something that is useless like gossiping and cursing. During our daily life, we often to be in comfort zone. No pressure about any serious issues. Unless, if the serious issues has a link with us. However, when you learn CRITICAL LITERACY, you will notice about something that is really important. What? EVERYTHING HAPPENED FOR A REASON. Honestly to say, before this, I never encourage my mind to think about others business? Why? I am not a busy body person. Perhaps, I am arrogant maybe.

Day by day, I follow the time. Learning CRITICAL LITERACY make me realize that life is not only about me and me. As a community, I need to:
·         Read about others
·         Think about others
·         Write about others
This is why I think critical literacy burden me and me.
Besides the burden in CRITICAL LITERACY, I still find lots of benefits from learning this subject. Then, what is it?
·        Learning about serious issue – As adults, it is a must for us to be keener towards our environment. War issue, economy issue, natural disaster issue and political issue are some of the serious issue that we need to focus on. At least, after learning this subject I gain more knowledge about The Jews, The Steve Jobs and Jack the Ripper. Now, after watching movies like ‘THE PIANIST’ and ‘FROM HELL’, I become more alert towards the community. By today, my lecturer, Sir Kamaraziz also told me what is the different between JUDAISM, HEBREW, ISRAEL.
·         Train to think out of box – During my class, Sir Kamaraziz taught us on how to think like an extraordinary person. When we were discussing about some topic during our class hour, we can’t simply see the disadvantage of that topic only. For example, why men do plastic surgery? On the bad site, we can say that they are not confident with themselves. Besides, doing plastic surgery will make them become more attractive among the women. However, we need to see on the good site too. Some men do plastic surgery as a way to cure their disease. So, this is why we can’t blame those who do plastic surgery. Basically, this subject will train us on how to become more mature in our thinking skill.
·         Improve language skills – Although we are already born as a genius, we still need to grind down our language skills. Learning this subject will make you read lots, listen lots and write lots. In directly, whether we realize it or not, this ways of learning really help us in improving our language skills. The more we read, the more we know. The more we listen, the more we alert. The more we write, the more we think.

So, no matter how hard this subject, lastly, I know I will make myself fell comfort and fun to learn this subject.

This subject is really important. Why? This subject really train me on how to think like a mature student. This is the time for me to change. Live my life seriously. I am not younger at all. Wish me best of luck J
the power of knowledge: based on reading

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or against them. This article is only based on my own opinion and belief.

What is anti-Semitism?
  • In a simple way, ANTI-SEMITISM is a DISCRIMINATION against JEWS for reasons connected to their JEWISH HERITAGE.
  • According to a 2005 U.S. governmental report, anti-Semitism is ‘hatred toward JEWS – individually and as a group – that can be attributed to the Jewish religion and/or ethnicity.’

Based on the article THE JEWS AND THEIR DECEITS by Adolf Hitler:
“Be careful of them because they are deceptive. They know that an act of kindness, generosity, or honesty is often the most powerful form of distraction because it disarms their enemies’ suspicions. It turns their enemies’ into children, eagerly lapping up any kind of affectionate gesture. This is known as ‘giving before you take’. When the Jews are giving, it makes it harder for their enemies to notice them when they are taking later. Thus, do not trust them. If you believe them as honest, you are giving them room to maneuver and strategize against you.”

Basically, when we talk about THE JEWS, we must talk about ADOLF HITLER too. It is a must for us to know that ADOLF HITLER is the one who attack and destroy the JEWISH. Regarding to the article THE JEWS AND THEIR DECEITS, it is really obvious that ADOLF HITLER hatred THE JEWS.
He said that THE JEWS are liars and hide their true feelings. Why?
To remain their power and shameless.

So, THE JEWS will learn how to conceal their thoughts:
·         Telling us - they know what we want to hear
·         Studying us - not to offend us

However, we cannot deny that most of people around the world also hate THE JEWS. Why? If ADOLF HITLER has his own believe. How about us as a common people? It is enough for us to hate the JEWS only based on the story that we have listen and from the movie that we had watched?

Historians, have classified six explanations as to why people hate the JEWS :
1.     Economics : "We hate Jews because they possess too much wealth and power."

2.     Chosen People : "We hate Jews because they arrogantly claim that they are the chosen people."

3.     Scapegoat : "Jews are a convenient group to single out and blame for our troubles."
4.     Deicide : "We hate Jews because they killed Jesus."
5.     Outsiders : "We hate Jews because they are different than us." (The dislike of the unlike.)
6.     Racial Theory : "We hate Jews because they are an inferior race." 
Actually, it is not fair enough for us to blame on the JEWS and ADOLF HITLER only. Basically, the JEWS only do their part to control and conquer the world – maybe it is their norms to have an attitude like that. At the same time, ADOLF HITLER also plays his role as the one whom against the JEWS.

On the other hand, as a Muslim, I has my own opinion about this issued.

From the Quran, SURAH AL-A’RAF(7)  : 167
‘And (remember) when your Lord declared that He would certainly keep on sending against them (i.e. the Jews), till the Day of Resurrection, those who would afflict them with a humiliating torment. Verily, your Lord is Quick in Retribution (for the disobedient, wicked) and certainly He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (for the obedient and those who beg Allah's Forgiveness).’
It is clearly stated there that our Lord (ALLAH SWT) will keep sending the Jews till the day of Resurrection. No matter how hard we try to destroy and go against them like Adolf Hitler done, they will continue their generation. Just take a simple look on what Adolf Hitler had done a thousand years ago. He killed the Jews, but today, the Jews still alive and keeps doing chaos in this world. Do you think it is worth?

From SURAH AL-A’RAF(7) : 168-169
168. And We have broken them (i.e. the Jews) up into various separate groups on the earth, some of them are righteous and some are away from that. And We tried them with good (blessings) and evil (calamities) in order that they might turn (to Allah's Obedience).
169. Then after them succeeded an (evil) generation, which inherited the Book, but they chose (for themselves) the goods of this low life (evil pleasures of this world) saying (as an excuse): "(Everything) will be forgiven to us." And if (again) the offer of the like (evil pleasures of this world) came their way, they would (again) seize them (would commit those sins). Was not the covenant of the Book taken from them that they would not say about Allah anything but the truth? And they have studied what is in it (the Book). And the home of the Hereafter is better for those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious - see V.2:2)Do not you then understand?
Here, our God remark us about the Jews. Some of the Jews may be right and some of them may be wrong. So, as a Muslim, we need to be careful towards the Jews. Nowadays, the Jews will do everything to influence our own belief. Besides, the Jews will impress us with their thoughts – that is the reason why they studied about us especially – MUSLIM.

From SURAH AL-A’RAF(7) : 170
And as to those who hold fast to the Book (i.e. act on its teachings) and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), certainly, We shall never waste the reward of those who do righteous deeds.
Instead of this matter, we cannot blame on the Jews. Their cultures, their custom, train them like that. They are what they should be. So, as a Muslim, we need to prepare mentally and physically to do our part. Save our religion and save our dignity with ‘as-salat’.
*i refer malay translate

In our religion, we cannot discriminate others. Rather than to make a war that will waste your money, kill the public, destroy others community, it is better for you to be nice to the others.

Therefore, it is not easy for us as a Muslim to make the Jews respect us. That is why it is important for every one of us to:
·         study well – have a good grip of knowledge
·         upgrade good practice – charity, fasting, pray, dutiful to parent and enc

It is not necessary for us to be like Adolf Hitler. If he against the Jews with the violence, why not we try to change it in the gentle way. We are gentleman, right?

Let’s bygone be bygone. We can’t blame on the Jews. We can’t blame on Adolf Hitler too.

All that we need to do today is, remember the history. Never regret it. NEVER REPEAT IT!

History will always remain as the history. We can’t change it. We can’t control it. So, as the new generation today, we must take this history as a lesson. Lesson that can make us become tougher, mature and beware. Always in ready mood =)